Pt. 1 Summer Series: Routine
Kicking off a Summer Wellness Series to help you have a healthy and fun summer season! ☀
First topic to start the series is routine! Why? During summer months your schedule may be changing; maybe your saying yes to more after work get togethers or you have time off for summer vacation. Here are some things to try so that you get the most out of your summer.
Daily: How are you starting and ending your day? Are you rushed and going through the motions to just “get things done?” Start incorporating a simple practice like a 5 minute meditation or Gratitude List.
Make a list or a menu of valued tasks for a typical summer day. A list of chores may be unavoidable but make sure to also have a menu of enjoyable tasks.
An Example Menu:
Play fetch or sit outside for at least 15 minutes
Play music while cooking a meal
Go to the beach for a sunset
Walk the neighborhood with my partner
Read a book in my favorite spot in the house, outside, or coffee shop
Having a menu of valued actions helps us during times of freedom! When we are busy we so often think, “I wish I had time to do (fill in the Blank) , yet when the time comes and we do have the chance, it can be hard to remember to do the things we wanted. Sometimes our phones, TV, and other distractions impact our ability to do this without us even realizing.
People thrive on productivity and “the hustle”, but we need rest. Allow for time to rest, relax, and do nothing. Follow this with a mental check-in, how did it feel to do nothing? You may notice you feel guilt or discomfort, that’s not a sign to stop but a sign to keep practicing!
We are often taught that being busy or productive is “good” and being still is “bad” or “lazy”. Attempt to reframe your beliefs and thoughts so that you are able to accept times of stillness. This is not a moral issue… go take a nap!
Do your weekdays and weekend typically look the same each month? If so, take a look at what was missing or what you wished you experienced more of and make a mindful effort to make it happen.
If you find yourself saying yes to social events which excite you before, but after leave you feeling fatigued or exhausted, identify the whys behind that. Is there something happening during the social experience like binge drinking or substance use, staying up all night, or other activities which in abundance may have adverse side effects? Gain knowledge on the whys and you may see room for practicing change.
What we practice becomes our norm and can definitely impact our overall health and functioning. These reflections may help you better identify what routine is working for you and what may be working against you.